As The Wheels Turn: A 1950 Chevrolet Film

A family picnic is the setting for this entertaining lecture on automotive engineering and vehicle dynamics.


This 1950 Jam Handy film could be titled Never Invite a Chevrolet Engineer to a Family Picnic. Just kidding. Actually, it’s another wonderful example of the classic Jam Handy expository style. Here, an educated car guy takes the wife and kids on a family outing, and then, using ordinary picnic supplies as his lesson materials, delivers an impromptu tutorial on the automotive chassis and suspension.

You will probably notice one or two cringe-y moments in the lecture. At one point the husband says to his mate, “Even you can understand this.” But hey, this is 1950, when mansplaining was commonplace and women listened with saintly patience—or pretended to, anyway. Topics covered include the principles of independent front suspension, steering geometry, double-acting shock absorbers, and spring and shackle design. Toward the end, there’s an explanation of the 1950 Chevrolet’s flow-through heating and ventilation system. It’s all quite informative and a lot of fun, too. Video below.


One thought on “As The Wheels Turn: A 1950 Chevrolet Film

  1. Long-time Detroiters might notice the Sanders script on the picnic cake box @1:12 minutes or so in. Thanks for the video.

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