Video: 200 feet of Scalextric slot car track!

200 ft trackBecause you’re never too old for some quality kid stuff.  



This classic viral video demonstrates, in a nutshell, the difference between kids and grownups. A kid just knows to do stuff like this when given the opportunity and wonders why, with the virtually unlimited resources at their disposal, grownups don’t spend all their time at it. Grownups are just dumb that way, apparently.

The producer of this video has kept in touch with his inner 11 year-old. With a family room floor and a colossal 200 feet of Scalextric slot car track available, he knew what needed to be done. And now, more than 3.4 million views later, this famous video has helped untold adults remember for a moment what being a kid is all about. Enjoy.


3 thoughts on “Video: 200 feet of Scalextric slot car track!

  1. I once hooked up all of my Scalextric track and I found that I had such a big voltage drop over that distance that the car slowed to a trickle by the time it got to the other side of the room.

  2. Looks like a 42 year old single guy still living at home. I expected his mom yelling,” Johnny, your supper is getting cold”. “Mom, I’m racing now”.
    When I was a kid, me and a friend combined our Aurora HO tracks and had a similar layout. We pissed away a lot of time with that, did our own mods to the cars. Turns out, those old sets are worth money today. We even went “pro”, and had our own 1/24th scale car, and went to the slot car places, and they were usually packed. Sadly, I went to one not too long ago, just to take a look, there was nobody there. RC cars pretty much wiped out the interest in that. Still, for a kid back in the 60’s, it didn’t get any better than that.

  3. That makes my childhood 4 C battery operated slot car track seem woefully lame.

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