Video: The Legendary Walt Disney Pinstriping Animation

StripingWhat happens when you mix the far-out world of custom pinstriping with Disney animation? This wonderful 1960s artifact from The Wonderful World of Disney, in which a pair of pinstripes develop minds of their own. Please enjoy. 



This seems totally implausible, but many professional pinstripers will tell you that not only do they adore this zany little Disney film short; it actually inspired them to learn their art. They fondly recall the moment they first saw the surreal clip: On the NBC television program The Wonderful World of Disney, where it was featured in several bits, including a 1970 TV movie called Dad, Can I Borrow The Car? 

The video features an actual, real-life pinstriper named Larry Gloege who, we understand, specialized in dragsters and racing boats from his Los Angeles shop not far from the Disney studios. But here, the painter barely gets started with a striping job—on a plain Jane 1966 Ford Custom sedan—when the pair of lines he’s laying down decide to take off and do their own thing, through the magic of Disney animation. From there, the clip essentially defies description. You’ll just have to watch for yourself. Maybe you’ll be inspired to pick up a striping brush, too. Enjoy.


2 thoughts on “Video: The Legendary Walt Disney Pinstriping Animation

  1. Hi Bill,
    Fun video. I made my spending money in high school by hand striping local hot rods. At the time dash designs were popular but I also painted body designs and custom Plexiglas taillights, which I made and sold.

  2. Interesting, at 1:07 and againg at 1:21, they view of the right side of the car has a mirror image of the Custom badge on the rear fender, evidence of the “Disney Magic” nature of this video. It was neverless a fun thing to watch.

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